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At Hugo et Léo, we are constantly chopping and changing our menu according to the season and also making the most of our local producers' network to get fresh and inspring ingredients. 

小麦粉 Wheat Flour


All grains are sourced from farmers who are certified organic by accredited organic certifiers for over 25 years.  To grow organically means farming without the use of pesticides and herbicides, as well as taking care of soil biodiversity through practices such as crop rotations, green manure crops and the use of livestock to control weeds.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that organically grown crops have a range of health benefits over chemically produced crops.


オーガニック・強力粉 ハード・レッド /アメリカ産

Organic strong flour hard red from the US


全粒粉小麦粉 (岡山産)Wholemeal flour locally produced in Okayama Prefecture

スペルト小麦 Spelt Flour


Spelt is an ancient grain which has been referred to as “The Grandfather Of Wheat”. Spelt flour is high in fiber & manganese. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavor.


Spelt flour is more easily digested than wheat and is often tolerated by those with “Gluten Sensitivity”. This is not a gluten free food however, so those who have a gluten allergy should not try spelt without their doctor’s approval.

Spelt has also been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes. A complex carbohydrate found in spelt known as mucopolysaccharide, is thought to boost immunity & prevent blood clotting.

If you are thinking that this information sounds great, but are wondering how you will get your kids to actually eat spelt, no need to worry.

塩 Salt




Madura salt

Sundried salt produced from the unspoiled sea surrounding the Madura Island.  Made in a traditional method without any additives.  The whole area is preserved by the Indonesian government and has earned the ISO9002 accreditation which is unprecedented in the salt field.

ドリンク Drinks

Yogi Tea Selection        ヨギティーセレクション  


St. Jone’s Wort Blues Away    セントジョーンズワート 



Chai Rooibos  チャイルイボス 


Throat Comfort  スロートティー



Woman’s Mother to be  ウーマンズマザートゥービー 



Classic Indian Spice  クラッシックインディアンスパイス



Lemon Ginger  レモンジンジャー



Echinacea Immune Support  エキナセア





エスプレッソドリンクは全てエル・サルバドルのエル・ミラドール農園(標高1,800 m )のコーヒー豆を使用。



野菜  Vegetables


Summer vegetables(tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and herbs)from our own veg garden



椎茸 岡山県美作市の武蔵農園さんの原木椎茸 Shiitake from Musashi Shiitake Farm in Mimasaka City


アスパラガス 西粟倉村 延東さん Asparagus from Mr Endo in Nishiawakura Village

乳製品 Dairies



奥出雲は清流斐伊川に潤わされ、土に恵まれた地。木次乳業の原乳は、この斐伊川流域に点在する酪農家から集められています。 牛は放牧され、きれいな空気と水のあるところで太陽を浴び、のびのび育てられています。配合飼料には非遺伝子組換えを採用しています。


クロワッサンやブリオッシュはバター100%で、すべて手作りしています。バ ターは動物性脂肪が原料なので、カロリーやコレステロールが高く、体に悪いというイメージが強いかもしれませんが、バターはマーガリンと違い、自然界に存 在する脂肪を使って作られています。バターにもトランス脂肪酸は含まれますが、天然のトランス脂肪酸なのです。一方のマーガリンは、植物性脂肪に水素を添 加することで生成される、人工的なトランス脂肪酸。私たちが注意すべきなのは、水素添加によって生まれたものです。

Our milk produced by the free-range cows in Okuizumo area is treated with low-temperature pasteurization which preserves the beneficial bacteria for the human body.  Our croissant and brioche are made with butter only as there is still a misconception that margarine is better than butter.  On the contrary, the artificial trans fat contained in margarine is thought to be a cause for high cholesterol and heart disease.

卵 Eggs


​西粟倉村 井上さん


その他 Others

蜂蜜 岡山県津山市の美甘養蜂園の国産純粋蜂蜜 Honey from Mikamo Honey Bee Farm in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture


 西粟倉村 にしあわくらだんだんベリー園さん

June berry & blueberry

from Nishiawakura Dandan Berry Farm

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