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オーガニック アプリコットとほうじ茶の全粒粉パン Apricot Tea

オーガニック アプリコットとほうじ茶の全粒粉パン Apricot Tea


Organic Apricot and Shimoyama Roasted tea wholemeal bread

Local wholemeal wheat flour 岡山県産全粒粉パン (60%), organic stoneground white wheat flour  オーガニック石挽強力粉  (40%), natural additive free dried apricot 無添加ドライアプリコット (15%) and Shimoyama-san’s Roasted Tea 下山さんのほうじ茶 (2%) salt 塩 (2%), yeast イースト (1%), 

This is a real treat. I have always love the taste and texture of dried apricots. In fruit wholemeal bread version The apricots the all natural darker dried Apricot are soaked in hot Shimoyama roasted tea which they soaked up eagerly, turning into a luscious sweet treat.  The sweet and smokey state of Shimoyama tastes gets even better if you wrap the bread in foil and keep it for a day or two. 



  • 室温(20ºC~22ºC)の場合







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